PT. WIndu Persada Cargo ( There is many ways to do the whole process which we called the basic of third party logistics (3PL). The operator have to understand of each process from front to the end as terms of the whole process is not only begin from the product but we must do the observation of the product that need to execute. All have to be integrated with a professional who understand the market process. WPC Logistics is a Logistics provider company which focus on efficiency, reliability, and supported by professional human resources with compatibility in all logistic sectors, as follows : Have office branches in most of major ports in Indonesia
- Warehouse facilities for consumer goods, retailer, general merchandise and industrial product
- ISO Tank
- DG Packaging
- Regulation team for consumer goods
Since 1998, WPC Logistics gives alternative logistic solution while never missed the delivery deadlines to our consumers. In other hand, WPC Logistics also keep the system updated by doing cycle changing regularly.
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